The import function will be revised when the portal is updated at the end of March 2025. Due to the extended character set, CSV files to be imported must be encoded in UTF-8. The previous encoding ISO-8859-15 will no longer be supported.
The following information answers the most frequently asked questions about the UTF-8 changeover.
Frequently asked questions about the UTF-8 changeover
The import function will be converted when the portal is updated at the end of March 2025. No action will be necessary until then. Until this changeover, CSV files must continue to be encoded with ISO-8859-1 as before.
Every form with an import function is affected by the changeover.
If you use the CSV import function in the portal, you will be affected by the changeover.
If you use a provided Excel sheet to create CSV files, you simply need to ensure that you are using the latest version of the Excel sheet. The latest Excel sheet version automatically generates CSV files in the correct format and encoding.
If you create the CSV files manually, you must ensure that your CSV file uses "UTF-8 with BOM" as encoding after the portal update at the end of March 2025 and not "ISO-8859-1" as before. You can use the Windows Editor, for example, to convert the encoding.
If you provide software for generating CSV files for the import function of the portal, you must ensure that after the portal update at the end of March 2025, all CSV files generated by your software are generated in “UTF-8” encoding, otherwise they cannot be imported in the import area of the forms.
You can use both "UTF-8" and "UTF-8 with BOM" as encoding.
For these instructions, we assume that you are using Windows and that the Windows program “Editor” is available.
To convert the encoding, proceed as follows:
- Open the CSV file with the "Editor" program. To do this, right-click on the file and then select "Open with... > Editor"
- Now select the "Save as..." option in the "File" tab in the Editor and assign a new name for your CSV file.
- Select the value "UTF-8 with BOM" in the "Encoding:" dropdown.
- Click on the "Save" button
Your CSV file has now been converted to UTF-8 encoding and can be imported into the portal as usual.