Founded a company or become self-employed?
Have you registered your business with the trade office or have you become self-employed? Now you need a tax number for your new company?
Since January 1, 2021, the tax number for your company must be applied for electronically using a tax registration questionnaire.
The questionnaire must be submitted unsolicited to your local tax office within one month of starting your business.
Where and how do I get the tax number for my company now?
Fill out the online form at Questionnaire for tax registration and send it electronically to your tax office. You will receive your tax number from your tax office by post once the questionnaire has been checked.You must be registered with ELSTER to submit the tax registration questionnaire.
How do I register my company?
Register your company with the e-mail addressYou register using your e-mail address at Create user account . You will receive two emails during the registration process. One with a confirmation link to verify your e-mail address and then another with an activation Code and an activation ID. This will create a certificate file for your company.