Provision dates

Provision dates for forms in Mein ELSTER

FormAssessment / registration periodProvision date
Application for determination of the return of capital contributions/26.11.2024
Property tax change notices (for all countries/models)/26.11.2024
Income tax return unlimited tax liability202401.01.2025
Revenue surplus calculation202401.01.2025
Advance VAT return Permanent extension (quarterly) Permanent extension/special advance payment (monthly)202501.01.2025
Income tax registration202501.01.2025
Wage tax certificate202501.01.2025
Capital gains tax registration according to EStG202501.01.2025
Capital gains tax registration in accordance with InvStG202501.01.2025
Notification of tax deduction to secure the tax claim in the case of a person with limited tax liability (Section 50a (7) EStG)202501.01.2025
Profit determination 13a202401.01.2025
Notification of tax deduction for construction services in accordance with § 48a EStG/01.01.2025
Annex N-GRE to the income tax return for unlimited tax liability202425.03.2025
Separate and uniform determination of bases for income taxation202425.03.2025
Separate determination of bases for income taxation202425.03.2025
Trade tax return202425.03.2025
Declaration for the breakdown of the trade tax base202425.03.2025
Corporate income tax return202425.03.2025
Income tax return limited tax liability202425.03.2025
Value added tax return202525.03.2025

This list provides you with an overview of past provision dates for all ELSTER products (Mein ELSTER, ERiC, ElsterFormular).